Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?

We are located in Brentwood, TN, close to the intersection of Old Hickory Boulevard and Hillsboro Road.


Are you currently enrolling?

Although our school year starts the beginning of August, we have a rolling enrollment, which means we accept applications throughout the year.

What are your hours?

We are open 7:30am-5:30pm.


What ages do you serve?

We serve children ranging from 6 weeks to 6 years old.


Is there a registration fee?

Yes, we have a $100 non-refundable registration fee.


 What are the tuition rates?

Click here to view our rates.


Is there a discount for having more than one child enrolled?

Yes, each additional child receives a $50 monthly discount off of the tuition rate.


What holidays are you closed during the year?

Click here to view our important dates and holidays.


How long have you been in business?

We opened in 2010 with 23 children. We now have 85 children enrolled and continue to grow.


What does it mean to be a Jewish Preschool?

Each month, we have a theme based on Jewish values such as ‘Creating Peace’ or ‘Protecting the Environment’. These themes are incorporated into the classroom and our Judaic Learning Specialist creates fun and interactive opportunities based on the annual calendar of Jewish holidays and the weekly celebration of Shabbat.


What other curriculum do you have?

We employ a project based learning model where children work together to solve a problem or create a finished work. During the process, they take time to record what they’ve learned through pictures, photographs, charts and graphs. They display them in the room and use them to review and further learning. We utilize the TN-ELDS developmental standards to create each month’s learning goals for each classroom based on age and development.


Do you have to be Jewish to attend MCA?

Absolutely not, we welcome all faiths. In fact, our enrollment tends to be around 50% Jewish and 50% non-Jewish children.


What is your school certification?

We are certified through DHS, Department of Human Services, with a 3-Star Accreditation.


My child has severe allergies. How do you deal with that?

We work with our families to ensure each child has an eating environment that works for them.  


What are your staff’s qualifications?

Most of our teachers hold bachelor’s degrees or even masters degrees, ranging from Early Childhood Education and Special Education to Music and Art. All are required to have a minimum of a high school diploma and extensive experience with children. Ongoing training is required for all.


Is anyone emergency certified?

All of our staff completes a 6 hour emergency and CPR training every 2 years.


Have other questions not covered here?

Fill out our contact form with your questions; and thanks for visiting our site!