Spanish News

This Summer in Spanish:

Hace calor!

We talked about how hot it is getting this summer (almost one hundred degrees!) and reviewed our weather terms, seasons, months, and the days of the week as well as numbers and colors.



We read “¿El canguro tiene mamá?” (“Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?”) by Eric Carle. We learned that the following animals have mothers who love them as much as our mothers love us: león, jirafa, pingüino, cisne, zorro, delfín, oveja, oso, elefante, mono (Lion, giraffe, penguin, swan, fox, dolphin, sheep, bear, elephant, monkey).

We sang “Cinco Patitos” about the five little ducks which went out for a swim and didn’t come back.


Cinco Patitos

Cinco patitos salieron a nadar

por la colina y más allá

La mamá pata dijo: “Cua, cua, cua”

y solo a cuatro vio regresar


La pobre mamá pata salió a nadar

por la colina y más allá

La pobre mamá pata dijo: “Cua, cua, cua”

¡Y a sus patitos vio regresar!


Our araña, spider, has eight eyes and eight legs, each of which is a different color. We sang “La Itzi Bitzi Araña” (The Itsy Bitsy Spider), and Minis and Pre-K all got turns, if they wanted one, to make the spider climb up, weave, and get washed out…as long as they said or sang the lyrics.

We read, “La Araña Muy Ocupada” which has a lot of animals which are in the other books we have been reading: “¿Tu mamá es una llama?” and “¿El canguro tiene mamá?” (“Is Your Mama a Llama?” and “Does the Kangaroo Have a Mom?”)

Animal vocabulary:

Perro, cerdo, gato, foca, caballo, murciélago, oveja, cabra, pato, gallina, and cisne which are- dog, pig, cat, seal, horse, bat, sheep, goat, duck, hen and swan


La Itzi Bitzi Araña (The Itsy Bitsy Spider)

La itzi bitzi araña

Tejió su telaraña.

Bajó la lluvia

Y se la llevó.

Salió el sol

Y secó la lluvia.

Y itzi bitzi araña

Otra vez subió.